EPDS Score or Clinical Assessment
EPDS 0-8
EPDS 9-13
EPDS 14-18
EPDS ≥19
Signs and symptoms of Depression
Signs and symptoms in each column may overlap
Limited to no symptoms
Mild symptoms
Moderate symptoms
Severe symptoms
Reports occasional sadness
Mild apparent sadness but brightens up easily
Reports pervasive feelings of sadness or gloominess
Reports continuous sadness and misery
Fairly calm
Occasional feelings of edginess and inner tension
Continuous feelings of inner tension/intermittent panic
Unrelenting dread or anguish, overwhelming panic
Sleeps as usual
Slight difficulty drifting off to sleep
Sleep reduced or broken by at least two hours
Less than two or three hours of sleep
Normal or increased appetite
Slightly reduced appetite
No appetite – food is tasteless
Needs persuasion to eat
No difficulties in concentrating
Occasional difficulty in concentrating
Difficulty concentrating and sustaining thoughts
Unable to read or converse without great initiative
No difficulty starting everyday activities
Mild difficulties starting everyday activities
Difficulty starting simple, everyday activities
Difficulty accomplishing much of anything, including grooming/bathing self
Normal interest in surroundings and friends
Reduced interest in surroundings and friends
Loss of interest in surroundings and friends
Emotionally paralyzed, inability to feel anger, grief, or pleasure
No thoughts of self-reproach, inferiority
Mild feelings of guilt, inferiority
Persistent self-accusations, feelings of guilt
Feeling useless or like a burden to loved ones
No suicidal ideation
Fleeting suicidal thoughts
Suicidal thoughts are common
History of severe depression and/or active preparations for suicide
This resource has been adapted with permission from the MCPAP for Moms Pediatric Toolkit for Postpartum Depression.