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How to Talk to Patients About Their EDPS Scores

EPDS Score

Score < 10

Score > 10

Positive Score on Question 10

Does not suggest depression

Clinical support staff educates woman about the importance of emotional wellness:

“From the screen, it seems like you are doing well. Having a baby is always challenging and every woman deserves support. Do you have any concerns that you would like to talk to us about?”

Suggests patient is depressed

“You may be having a difficult time or be depressed. What things are you most concerned about? Getting help is the best thing you can do for you and your baby. It can also help you cope with the stressful things in your life (give examples). You may not be able to change your situation right now, but you can change how you cope with it. Many effective support options are available.”

Suggests patient may be at risk of self-harm or suicide

“It sounds like you are having a lot of strong feelings. It is really common for women to experience these kinds of feelings. Many effective support options are available. I would like to talk to you more about how you have been feeling recently.”

Contact clinical support staff to arrange follow-up care if needed. Give woman information about community resources (e.g., support groups).

“My office staff and I are available to help you and provide ongoing support.”

If woman is already in treatment, ensure follow up appointment is scheduled.


This resource has been adapted with permission from the MCPAP for Moms Pediatric Toolkit for Postpartum Depression.